Wednesday, January 23, 2013

{Freezer Meals}

The day after Christmas I had surgery.  I was very concerned with my recovery time, as I am the one who cooks for our family, and I didn't know how I would be feeling to make food.  So, the week before Christmas, I decided to delve into the world of making meals and freezing them.  I cleaned out my freezer, and looked for recipes that I could make. Those meals were good!  And it was so nice to be able to pull them out of the freezer and make them without much effort.
Then on January 5th my friend had a freezer meal party.  She introduced me to a company called Wildtree. They sell super healthy spices and oils.  I was able to make about 15 freezer meals at the party.  We have absolutely been LOVING them!!
Tonight I pulled out some Italian Chicken Tenders and made a caesar salad with them.  It was delicious!  Anyway, my point is that I am now hooked on making freezer meals!  I think it is a great way to cook!  You spend one day prepping all of the food, and then you can eat for a long time!  The best part is that I don't really have to think about what to make for dinner all of the time.  It is so awesome!
Please stay tuned for some great freezer meal recipes that you can make too!

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