Monday, December 13, 2010


I was asked to bring brownies tonight for a family Christmas party. I think I am going to use this brownie recipe from the "Worldwide Ward Christmas Cookbook," but then add mint flavoring to the frosting! Yum! I will let you know how they turn out!

Mom's Brownies

1/2 C. cocoa
1 1/2 C. flour
1 C. butter, melted
2 C. sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
4 eggs
1 1/3 C. powdered sugar
1/3 C. cocoa
3 Tbsp. shortening (I use butter instead)
3 Tbsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla

Stir cocoa and flour together. In a separate bowl, combine melted butter, sugar, and vanilla. After butter is cool, add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each one. Add flour/cocoa mixture to liquid ingredients. Pour into a greased 9X13 pan. Bake at 350 for 20-28 minutes. Stir together powdered sugar and cocoa; set aside. Cream shortening; add sugar mixture alternately with milk until smooth and of a spreading consistency. Add vanilla. (instead of vanilla, I am going to add 1/2 tsp. peppermint extract) Spread on brownies. Enjoy! Makes 12 servings.

***UPDATE*** I LOVE brownies that are more of a cake than fudge. That being said, these were the perfect cake brownies! They were moist and tasted so good! My hubby, however, likes more of a fudge brownie, so these were not his favorite, but he still liked them. I would definitely make these again!!

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